

  Costume: The character at the start is wearing a white lab coat. This suggests to the audience he a scientist. The clothes the actors wear are in the 80s style. Props: there was a white pizza box in the basement. There also a game board. The kids uses there bikes to get to there home. The props suggest they were have a game night. Lighting: in the beginning the light flicking suggesting something unnatural might have going on. in the end we see a figure in the shadow standing there. The lighting is to make contrast in the show.

Denotation and connotation

  Analysis: The poster has a phrase "Dig toilets Not graves" could imply there are struggling and are in poverty.  Denotation:  The poster has a child with him being in a third world country with WaterAid at the top suggesting they don't receive enough water.   Connotation: This advert might have been to raise awareness on kids in third country not being as a fortunate at people in first world country's.        

Film poster HW

                                                                                                                                                                          Language: The title and release date and billing block (information about the director and the production company) Industry: it was directed by Andrew Adamson and Vicky Jenson. The film was released may 18th 2001.The music was made by  Harry Gregson-Williams; John Powell.             Audience: it mainly made  for children as adult audience would not be as interested compared to children.   Representation: The film poster show two human, a donkey and a the main character Shrek.    

paste special fruit bowl


Fruit Bowl


Introduction to Media

   1)I am looking forward to making a blog in the media. 2)I hope to learn how to structure blogs. 3)I hope to achieve a grade 5 or 6 in media. 4)The device I use to access the media is my phone or tv. 5)My average screen time averages 5-12 hours and I think it is too much. 6)The last film/show I watched was the terminal. 7)I use Spotify to listen to music. 8)I play videogames and the one i probably play the most is GTA 5 9)I'm on social media and i use snapchat mainly as I can communicate with friends 10)I think social is negative on young people because they sometimes disrupts there learning